A donation for our climate and nature

With our Christmas donation, we support the Foundation’s Clean Baltic Sea projects and the protection of the Baltic Sea heritage.
Eutrophication is one of the biggest threats to the Baltic Sea. Its most prominent signs are cyanobacterial blooms, water turbidity, coastal liming, and bottom anoxia. At the same time, there is a threat that the valuable cultural heritage of the Baltic Sea will be lost.
The John Nurminen Foundation tackles these problems with its Clean Baltic Sea projects. Projects will focus on concrete actions to address the root causes of eutrophication and reduce phosphorus loads. The Foundation’s cultural activities, which focus on maritime history, have focused on the history of shipping, expeditions, and cartography.
The abundant growth of small algae, i.e. phytoplankton, in surface waters causes an increase in oxygen deprivation in near-bottom water. Dead algae sink to the bottom, and their decomposition consumes oxygen from the bottom. As oxygen decreases, benthic animals shake.
Read more about the foundation and its work for the Baltic Sea here and donate: https://johnnurmisensaatio.fi/en/donate/
CH-Bioforce Oy
CH-Bioforce Oy is a Finnish start-up founded in 2016. The company’s innovative BIOFORSENSE® biomass fractionation technology dates back to 2011, when inventors Lari Vähäsalo, Nicholas Lax and Sebastian von Schoultz made their first findings. Today, the company forms part of the Chemec group, which operates in the chemical industry. CH-Bioforce currently employs ten members of staff. Our R&D and pilot plant is located in Raisio, Finland.
For more information
Mari Taipale
Director, CH-Bioforce Oy